This is a 1 bedroom condo at Daytona Beach Resort & Conference Center. This condo is on the 2nd floor and just off the south corner of the building. The floorplan below is meant as an approximate rendering… been many years since I used the old drafting board and T-square and now I just photoshop for fun…
This is the bedroom — and this is the main entrance to the condo….there are 2 queen beds and the bathroom is off this room too. I can provide bathroom ohotos upon request…
Still looking thru bedroom — have dresser — tv , please ignore the old comforters…. they didn’t really work for me…
Walking thru to kitchen — notice new – clean ample storage. Microwave and convection oven provided, as they had something against ovens when remodeling here….
Extreme close up —
Lots of counter space — which is something you really only appreciate having to live without counter space. My old home had 2 drawers in the kitchen…and no stroage… I am still traumatized from that experience.
Just this past week I purchased this sofa & loveseat from a friend in Daytona… it fits in well here don’t you think? Now — the leather love seat will be moved out of this condo in mid-April — the cloth love seat will stay because it is a sofa sleeper. There was just the love seat-sofa sleeper before with 1 chair — a really bad ugly chair… we are all about improvement here !!
View from condo — this condo is oceanfront — pretty nice I would say !!
Counter for meals….
Table with chairs too….
Outside to the balcony — this is where I spend the most time !!
Directly in front of patio — beach.
Looking left….
Looking right
Looking straight out
Can’t you just feel the breeze from this picture ??? BTW – this is on the driving beach —
The only difference you will notice if you have stayed with me before is that I usually stock shampoos – conditioners – cleaners – extra household type items laying around….. etc…
This owner does not. So keep that in mind when you are packing your personal items — I also recommend coffee – filters – salt – pepper etc… those types of things can not be counted on here….
I really hate to say this, but I am gentitg more disappointed with your blog everyday.This is a very old commercial, and it has been out for over a year. Did you notice tony in his OLD uniform???I guess I was expecting a blog that reported real stuff happening at NASCAR, and not just someone taking pictures and using a press pass to meet drivers.Maybe I need to give it more time, but PLEASE help me here!!